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How IUI works?

How IUI works?

Updated 10.07.2022

To introduce the sperm to the uterine cavity woman must first be prepared.


If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle (+/- 28 days), the doctor will perform a control ultrasonography on cycle day 11-12, to make sure that one of the ovaries has formed the dominating follicle.


If a woman has an impaired natural cycle of follicular growth, the doctor will recommend pharmacological stimulation of ovulation and will also perform a control ultrasonography on cycle day 11-12.


The IUI procedure is planned around the time of ovulation, usually 36-38 (or 24-40) hours after the LH elevation in blood tests. Luteinizing hormone (LH) is secreted by the pituitary gland – it makes the follicle walls burst and release the egg from the ovary. LH uplift may also be determined by ovulation tests, but at the clinic before IUI usually a blood test is done.


On menstrual cycle day 12-16 (precisely determined by your doctor) the woman arrives at the clinic and the man hands in a semen sample. 3-5 days before the procedure it is recommended to refrain from sexual activity. Then embryologist will perform sperm “washing” from the fluid and select the potentially strongest sperm.


The woman must arrive at the clinic a few hours later. During the procedure, the woman lies down comfortably on the gynaecological chair, and the prepared sperm, through a special catheter through the cervix, is introduced to the uterine cavity.


The IUI procedure takes a few minutes and usually does not cause pain and discomfort. Of great importance is the emotional state and the ability to relax. After the procedure, the woman must lie down for 15-20 minutes, the rest of the day she can spend without limits.


If necessary, the doctor will prescribe progesterone to improve the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Around the expected menstrual time a pregnancy test or a HCG blood test should be performed.